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Attracting wild swarms of local bees

In the Spring, large swarms of bees break off from their hives with a queen and go off in search of a new home to start a colony.

We have had a swarm try to move in to a shed here and luckily had the knowledge and tools necessary to lure the bees into a hive box and then move it to a better location.

We have also set up empty boxes with "swarm bait" and even partially filled soda cans and have successfully attracted swarms like that.

Recycled Hive Boxes

There was a property for sale near Slab City that had a large amount of old, unused commercial bee hives. We were able to talk to the owner and get a huge pile of boxes which we upcycle into lots of different projects and we have been able to use some of the better quality boxes to get into beekeeping!

Slab Honey

We've been letting our bees build up their colony and honey stores for a couple of years now and soon we will be able to start collecting honey! We will then be able to offer jars of fresh, local honey to Slab City residents and visitors.

Reversed seasons keep things interesting

Most of the information available on beekeeping assumes you're in a place with a warm, lush summer and cold, barren winters. Where we are, the summer is the time of year where you need to make an extra effort to keep the bees alive and the winter is the nice weather full of natural food sources.

During the summer we replace the lids with a ventilated top we contructed to help maximize airflow. We add in-hive feeders so the bees don't need to venture out into the heat in search for food. We also make sure to keep watering holes nearby and topped up so the bees have easy access to water.

Current Hive Info

This information is updated automatically by WATERSHIP, our self-made camp automation and monitoring software.

Hive # 1

Acquired: 2019-03-05 (5 yr 3 mo 28 dy)

Location: Hillside

Brood Boxes: 3

Honey Supers: 0

Feeder: not in use

Hive # 2

Acquired: 2020-03-16 (4 yr 3 mo 17 dy)

Location: Hillside

Brood Boxes: 2

Honey Supers: 0

Feeder: not in use

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Project Collaborators

Nelipot Farms and Apiary

  • Hive Box with Frames

    Help upgrade our beehives with new, solid boxes and frames! The new boxes are not as gappy and are safer for the bees.

    Approx. $65
  • Queen Excluder

    A queen excluder blocks the queen from being able to get up into the upper boxes of honey and lay eggs in the cells. That was the boxes are only filled with honey for harvesting.

    Approx. $18