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Local Wildlife

The desert that houses Slab City is anything but barren. There are numerous species of plants, animals and insects here that make up a vibrant ecosystem.

Below is our list of common species found in and around Slab City. You will find identification tips, general info, toxicity and for some animals and insects we have started recording population density month by month to determine when certain species are most/least abundant.

Species Recorded



Populations Tracked



Population Data Shown




= Population Data

Species = No info yet




  • Saltbush
  • Creosote

Grasses / Small plants


Reptiles / Amphibians

Fish / Aquatic

Contribute to this project

There are multiple ways you can help us document local species and track their populations and movements throughout Slab City, whether you live here or not.

Create your own logs

If you are currently in Slab City, you can help by keeping your own journal of the wildlife you see. Each day (or whenever you can) mark down the date, the species, and a number from 1-5 representing the amount you saw that day (1 = minimal, 5 = maximum). Then email us your findings and we can add them into the database to get a wider set of data points.

Send us photos

Another way to help if you're local to the area is to take pictures of the species we have documented and email them to us! We can add pictures to the database for others to use as reference.

Provide feedback

User feedback is a great way for us to improve this resource. You can help by clicking around and making sure everything is working properly as well as offer suggestions for additional information and features to add.

We will store your email address for possible (rare) future updates but will never share it.